Paws in the City offers two options for training for your dog!
First, we offer training as an add on service to your daycare reservation. You will fill out a form and choose what command you would like our trainer to work with your dog on. We work with dogs who have had zero training or seasoned pros who just need a refresher session.
Working on training while your dog is in a daycare facility provides a high distraction environment. If we can get your dog to listen to commands while at daycare you have a much greater chance of your dog listening to you at home! However practice is KEY for good behavior. You will not notice a huge difference if you don't work with your dog at home in conjunction with training sessions.
The specifics...
-we offer basic obedience; sit, stay, come and place.
-we provide treats your dog needs for motivation during training. We have a variety of options if your dog has specific dietary restrictions
-we provide a detailed report card and explanation of what the trainer worked with your dog on during the session
-tips and guidance for you to continue working with your dog at home
-video clips of your dogs training session
-20 minute training sessions are $25. Most dogs are mentally exhausted after 20 minutes, this is about as long as we can get them to pay attention!
The second training option we offer is group classes! These are classes you will attend with your dog and learn the basic commands every dog should know; sit, stay, come, place. Going through the group class and then having your dog be a regular at daycare with an add on training session is a great way to remind your dog of manners and keep them happy, well adjusted members of the family.
How Do I Sign Up?
If your dog is a daycare regular, you can add a training session to your daycare reservation when you sign up through the portal. Just choose "train with Lauren" and then choose the specific command you want to work on We will take your dog out for a 20 minute training session while they are at daycare. With some dogs we have had success doing two 10 minute training sessions, it depends on each individual dog! When you sign up on the portal there are three questions we would like you to answer so we know what you'd like us to work with your dog on.
You can sign up for group training classes via the portal or in person.